Plaque buildup can lead to tooth decay and cavities, requiring a dental filling.
Practicing good oral hygiene – including having regular hygiene appointments, and brushing and flossing daily - is important to achieving optimal oral health, and warding off cavities.
What is the treatment for a cavity?
The extent of treatment for a cavity depends on how severe the cavity is; however, for common cavities, the dentist will simply administer freezing to ensure you’re comfortable, remove the decayed area of the tooth, and then place a tooth-coloured dental filling in the cavity. You’re typically in and out within one appointment.
Cosmetic dental fillings
To achieve the most natural look possible, Silverwood Dental uses colour-matched composite fillings that are designed to blend right in with the rest of your natural teeth. The goal at Silverwood Dental is to restore the esthetic and natural function of your teeth, so you can get back to enjoying your favourite foods and beverages again, pronto!
If you are suffering from tooth pain or sensitivity, you may have a cavity that needs proper attention; and the longer you put it off, the more decay can advance and lead to larger issues that are more difficult to repair. It's encouraged to contact your dentist in Saskatoon sooner rather than later.
Contact the team at Silverwood Dental to schedule a filling or dental exam today - 306.242.5233.

Dr. Michael Rosenhek
Dr. Kris Marshall
3-75 Lenore Dr.
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 7Y1