In the event you need emergency dental care, Silverwood Dental can help.
We don’t often foresee a dental emergency before it happens – that’s why it’s an emergency! Although we’re not a 24 hour emergency dental clinic, the team at Silverwood Dental will ensure you get the proper and urgent dental care you need, treating your pain and systems, promptly.
What is an example of a dental emergency in Saskatoon?
Dental emergencies happen for a variety of reasons – you may have accidentally knocked out one of your teeth while playing hockey, or maybe you were dining at a restaurant with your family and bit down onto something hard, cracking a tooth or dislodging a dental crown. Maybe you have a severe toothache or are experiencing signs of infection that could be an abscess such as fever, or pain in your face. Whatever the case, it's important to act promptly. We urge you to phone our dental office immediately so we can see you as soon as possible - 306.242.5233.
What is the best course of action in a dental emergency?
Address any pain right away – if you are suffering from a tooth ache, for example, waiting out the pain may cause more harm than good. In the event you’ve knocked out a tooth, preserve it in milk or water, and try to run it over to our clinic within the hour.
If you’re experiencing a dental emergency in the Saskatoon, SK area and require emergency dental care, give our dental clinic a call by dialing 306.242.5233.

Dr. Michael Rosenhek
Dr. Kris Marshall
3-75 Lenore Dr.
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 7Y1